
Showing posts from October, 2017

War on Drugs and the War on Terror

As a criminology major, you hear all about the “War on Drugs” and what it did to this country, similarly, after taking this class (Global Security Studies) the “War on Terror” is talked about in a similar tone. A tone of “if we could do this over, we would do it differently,” both from my Professors to those in the world that had a real effect on the creation of these “Wars”. Both of the “Wars” have ruined millions of lives, both cost millions of dollars and both were created with the best of intentions in mind. The leaders of our country in the 1970s and 80s, and the leaders of our country in the early 2000s would have never realized the impact of their choices on our country and those we came after.             At home in the “War on Drugs”, there were increased penalties for even small amounts of once legalized drugs, increasing the number of prisoners in the U.S. astronomically. There were several laws passed during the War on Drugs, many of which, especially in the south, that